StartupUtrecht becomes part of ROM Utrecht Region

December 17, 2021 - As of January 1, StartupUtrecht will become part of the ROM Utrecht Region. StartupUtrecht was founded in 2015 as a platform in which private and public stakeholders work together to strengthen the ecosystem for startups and scale-ups.

19 September 2022 5 minutes

StartupUtrecht has focused on the most important problems that startups face: access to capital, getting their first customers, access to talent and internationalization. In that context, StartupUtrecht has launched various successful concepts, such as StartupFest Health, Crossroads and the election of the Utrecht Region Startup of the Year, as well as monthly meetups and pitch events for investors. For many founders, StartupUtrecht is an important sparring partner.

The ROM also focuses on further improving the climate for startups and scale-ups in the Utrecht region. The ROM Utrecht Region was founded in 2020. Their activities include investing in startups and scale-ups, but also strengthening ecosystems. For that reason, ROM and StartupUtrecht already worked closely together. This collaboration will therefore be intensified as of 1 January 2021.

“The strength of StartupUtrecht lies in its intertwining with the ecosystem and the resulting collaborations with various partners. We certainly want to keep that strength – and also the name. By becoming part of the ROM, we can add the strength of the ROM as an organisation, and we make a stronger connection with the wide range of tools of the ROM. In this way we jointly take the startup ecosystem in the Utrecht region to the next level.” Heerd Jan Hoogeveen, (former) director of StartupUtrecht


“Every year, the ROM talks to and helps many hundreds of startups with financing needs. SUU brings together the network of all those startups and other stakeholders, for example by organizing various events. Together we know the start-ups in the region. By working together we can help them even better with capital and knowledge. We will be expanding the knowledge arm in particular in the coming years, and we cannot do this alone. We will do our utmost to make the startup ecosystem work even better in which various parties are actively involved and add value. Ultimately, this is important for the regional startups, the partners who work with us on this and the innovative strength of the region.” Arjan van den Born, director of ROM Utrecht Region.