Network Lunch – Dutch Game Garden

The Dutch Game Garden Network Lunch!

Every first Wednesday of the month, Dutch Game Garden hosts a free networking lunch for the Dutch game industry in Utrecht. It is an opportunity for creative professionals, teachers, project leaders, future interns, students, potential clients, and all others interested in the industry to meet and mingle.

Program (12:00– 14:00)

12:00: Doors open
12:10: Opening & shout-outs – share your announcement or question in 3 sentences!
12:25: Lunch with games showcases
14:00: End of Network Lunch
Legal Walk-In (14:00 – 16:00 – optional)

René Otto – Attorney at Law at Van Iersel Luchtman Advocaten, will join the Network Lunch for legal inquiries. You can talk to him during the lunch about legal issues or choose to make an appointment after the lunch, between 14:00 and 16:00.

Showcase your game

Want to showcase your game live during the Network Lunch and get valuable feedback? Sign up through this form and we will get back to you with all the details (limited spots available)

Showcase your art

Want to showcase your art-portfiolo during the Network lunch? Sign up through this form and we will get back to you with all the details (limited spots available)

See you there!


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